Airtel has recently added most awaited HD channels for it's customer on its platform. This addition comes in form of 2 regional and 1 sports channel. Here is the list of channels added by airtel.
1) Sun Marathi HD
Sum Marathi HD is added on LCN 526. This channel is available FREE of cost to customers and can be viewed from base pack onwards.
2) Star Pravah Picture HD
Star Pravah Pictures HD is added on LCN 532. The channel is priced at Rs 6 per month. To add this channel you can give a missed call on 9154052532 from your registered mobile number.
3) Sony Sports Ten 4 HD
Sony Sports Ten 4 HD is added on LCN 805. The channel is priced at Rs 19 per month. Tobopt for this channel you can give a missed call on 9154052805 from your registered mobile number.